
Announcing a New Development Project in Surprise, AZ

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of 10.8 acres at the northwest corner of Cactus Rd and Dysart Rd in Surprise, AZ.  Design has commenced on a 135,000 SF multi-tenant industrial building.   The building will have heavy power, ESFR fire Sprinklers, 28’ clear heights, dock and grade level loading, truck trailer storage and [...]

2022-01-18T09:04:36-08:00November 16th, 2021|Featured, News|0 Comments

Prop 15 Forecasts Grim Outlook Pt. 4

The Effect This is ultimately why we’re here; what is the breadth of the impact on California and its citizens? COVID-19 has already broken many of the proverbial camel’s bones by heaping a megaton of stress on an already inundated back but could Prop 15 be the straw that finishes the job? What happens if [...]

2021-05-05T08:05:39-07:00July 31st, 2020|Informational, News|0 Comments

Prop 15 Forecasts Grim Outlook Pt. 3

How Prop 15 Will Break California Commercial Real Estate California, the nation’s most populous state and the world’s fifth largest economy, was already having a rough time long before the COVID pandemic was even a thing. Mired in skyrocketing living costs, rising homelessness, all the while sporting the highest sales, gasoline and income tax rates [...]

2021-05-05T08:05:44-07:00July 29th, 2020|Informational, News|0 Comments

Prop 15 Forecasts Grim Outlook Pt. 2

What the Revision Intends to Do You very well may already be familiar with all that background; after all, if you are a commercial real estate professional or own investment property, this is as fundamental as the process of photosynthesis is to a botanist. The real pressing question is ultimately: why revise it? For [...]

2022-01-18T09:03:07-08:00July 28th, 2020|Informational, News|0 Comments

Prop 15 Forecasts Grim Outlook Pt. 1

When all is eventually said and done, 2020 may very well go down as one of the most calamitous years for the commercial real estate industry in California history. Already mired in substantial economic duress due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the stay-home order that has followed, California’s commercial real estate industry and the [...]

2022-01-18T09:03:14-08:00July 27th, 2020|Informational, News|0 Comments


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